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December 14, 2020 1 min read

Holiday Power Ups to our Gaming PC!🎅🧦🎁


Hot new updates in for our best-selling Signa Gaming PC. Available for curbside pickup at our location in Toronto, or shipping in Toronto for $98, and hand delivery for $150 plus tax!


Updates include:


  • New Dual aRGB Fans in clear-paned front and windows side case
  • Bigger, faster NVMe m.2 Solid State SSD drive (up to 4x faster)
  • New AMD and Intel CPU choices available


 Check out new config here:




#gaming #esports #computer #toronto #fall #deal #intel #pc #fortnite #fun #2020 

#winter #holiday #gift #gifts #yonge #lawrence #curbside #pickup 

Nicole Gapo

Social Media Specialist