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October 03, 2019 1 min read

Are you having trouble with technology at home? We'd love to assist you!

We get it, technology can be a challenge to figure out sometimes.

For example, your computer may have a virus or isn't functioning correctly or maybe you simply forgot a password. Maybe your TV isn't working or your remote control isn't doing what you want it to do. Your wifi signal may be weak or you just can't connect to it. You might have a printer that needs an ink replacement, just isn't printing or maybe Rogers or Bell has replaced your modem and now your printer isn’t connecting on Wi-Fi. Or maybe your dishwasher turned into a robot and is trying to eat your mother in law... just kidding, we don't fix dishwashers or appliances. But we do fix or help with anything related to computers or TV's and we're more than happy to assist you.

Technology doesn't need to be complicated. We're always more than happy to stop by to show you how to use or fix your tech. Book a house call today!

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