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November 19, 2022 1 min read

We love to help SENIORS — our technicians are patient and senior-friendly, try us and you will see.

We know it can be tough trying to set up or use your computer.  That’s why we’ve got several services dedicated to seniors.

Here are just a few of the services we offer:

- Computer Setup & Training
- Printer, Scanner, fax help
- Photo and Document backup
- Microsoft Office Training and Help
- Social media Lessons
- Make your fonts bigger and easier to read
- Plus a whole lot more…

Not only will we help you with any problems you come across, but we’ll also document the problems and the steps it takes to solve the problems in case you ever get stuck in the future.

Use our chat or call us to book a house call and we’ll come to you to help with your technology.

Our Email is: help@signa.com

Our phone number is (416)-488-9208

Computer Assistance and Training for Seniors in Toronto (signa.com)

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