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April 20, 2024 1 min read

What are your plants for spring?!

Spring is here, hooray!  It’s almost time to put on your summer tires, fertilize your lawn, look for nice balcony/hanging planters, dust off your bicycle and lube the chain,  and plan for nice long walks in the neighbourhood.  You know what they say: exercise really is the key to youth!

At Signa, we do spring cleaning with our technology — blow the dust out our office PCs, tidy-up wiring, check APC batteries, verify that data backups are working correctly, make sure antivirus is up-to-date, check our security-camera systems, and more.

We’d love to hear from you on what your Spring plans are, write us back and let us know!

Warm Regards,

Greg Stapells, Owner
Signa Computer Systems