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October 18, 2019 1 min read

Vote for us at the YLVBIA Artwalk. It runs from October 3-23. Thank you so much for your yearly support!

Every year for the past 15 years, we’ve been apart of the Yonge Lawrence Village Business Improvement  Association (YLVBIA) Artwalk.

Take a walk up Yonge St starting from Lawerence Avenue north to Donwoods Drive. We’ll be featuring a display in our window. So come check us out!

This year, we'll be displaying an ebike as apart of a green vision for our earth. If more people rode ebikes, or bikes in general as a prime mode of transportation and used fuel powered transportation less, we could collectively reduce our overall carbon footprint. 

Don’t forget to vote! We need as may votes as possible, so if you think we deserve it, vote for our display!

You can vote at the YLVBIA website here:

We appreciate your support!
#ylvbiaartwalk #greenearth #ebikes #carbonfootprint #signastorefront #voteforsigna #signaartwalk #toronto #canada #Ontario